Monday, 25 June 2018

TRADE2WIN IG COMMUNITY meet alexander elder

Trading For a Living: Alexander Elder - (Audio Book:Great video

Complaint Review: Trade2Win

Is this true?

Why 99% of Forex Traders will Lose Money!

The whole trading industry benefactors , rely on hiding the importance of trading psychology , in order to attract new traders to open accounts.If a broker , mentor or vendor , was to advertise "you will lose because the traders are wired to lose " , nobody from the vendor side is going to make money .This is because they won't attract new traders , the brokerage model relies on new recruits to replace the losers of this year. Mentors will not get new subscribers and educators will lose out .

Sunday, 3 June 2018

IG community all trading forums suck

All trading forums suck, some  customers of I G  who post on I G  community are also members of private forums.Many of them are the same charlatans and quacks from private forums.I G can not ban customers who are also charlatans and quacks, because they are customers.To read about forum participants read the following

How to make money like a pro in the markets

successful traders don't have time to post on forums .If you are any good at trading ,you would want your mindset to be clear and focused on your trading , and free of ambiguity and crap from losers from forums.

A boxer can't win by listening to the crowd , but by listening to his coach.The important thing with trading is to have a clear mindset , free from any useless distractions , free from any necessary overload on the mind.When volatility breaks out undivided attention is required on the charts and trading requires a load of concentration , and precise timing of entries.

The habit of posting and addictive posting often interferes with trading and mindset and mental overload.It is mainly for undisciplined/unsuccessful traders .A good trader should be stalking the market with undivided attention , like a lion stalking.

I lose money on forex ,buying forex education on the forum and gambling.I  can’t trade so I sell education on forums.nvp

Why  are they real traders and real traders  post and have disappeared?

search 95% lose trade2win threads

Breaking: IG Group Buys DailyFX from FXCM for $40m

DailyFX is one of the most visited foreign exchange trading news and research portals.

successful traders   post here 

£25 Bonus With IG Casino

Anton Kreil Annihilates Retail Brokers and "Trading Educators"

Forum scammer selling education , who is this scammer AND ON WHICH  FORUM .forexfactory forum  ???????????????

The real trading secrets - why trading forums suck

Traders trade and when they are done with it they just enjoy their lives or sometimes help aspiring traders. Losers, on the other hand, spend their time on trading forums looking for new victims/traders to teach them to be newer losers.They pretend to be traders, to sell trading systems, methods,education, mentoring, coaching, trading seminars,  books,  holy grail of trading success  books, indicators, platforms etc    to the new visitors to forums.

There is a lot of good stuff out there, but unfortunately 99.9% is garbage.It is virtually impossible task for the little man to be successful, one has to experience and understand profitable trading The industry is the blind leading the blind.Those who failed write books,teach,coach,sell seminars,signals and generally breed the failures of tomorrow.Those who can do, those who can't teach,write books,sell, educate and sell maps of technical analysis..Those who can trade,trade!Those who know nought are gurus to the new failures of tomorrow.These people mislead ea developers.We have industry of >98 % failures, they don't know how to trade, never traded profitably, these failures made money from selling books, signals,educationalist courses,trading seminars,trading advice,selling eas, tools,software,  pretending to be traders and stooges for bucket shops, they are  teaching how to trade profitably, when they don't know how.